We, the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, are a community of Roman Catholic vowed, religious women. A community like ours is best described as an orchestra. Each has her own unique contribution to make, yet, together, the overall sound produced is far richer than any individual contributions.
We are ordinary women who feel called to religious life in this community. Are you?.........

Is this where God wants me to be?

What you need to discover is:
Does the music of my life fit with this particular orchestra?
Can I play in harmony and be enriched by being part of this group?
Can I develop my talents to the full for the service of those thirsting for God and those to whom society says "there is no place for you here"?
How do I find out if this is where God wants me to be?

3 Stages in Discernment of Vocation:

Enquirer/Candidate: You get to know us...we get to know you (Time variable at least 2 years depending on personal circumstances) Personal evaluation with a sister acting as your mentor/companion is undertaken at regular intervals.

Postulant: You try living a community life of prayer and ministry.  You learn the two languages of the Congregation, French and English. You learn more of the charism (spirit) of the Congregation and follow a programme of guided reading, Bible study and prayer. (Time usually 1-2 years.) Personal evaluation with a sister acting as your mentor/companion is undertaken at regular intervals.

Novice: For 2 years you live the spirit of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. the first year is a period of intense spiritual formation in our international Novitiate in Nairobi. the second year is spent in 1 or more experiences of ministry. Personal evaluation with the sister responsible for Noviciate formation is undertaken at regular intervals.
After a retreat, those accepted into the Congregation make their vows for 2 years, renewable twice. After 6 years, sisters may apply to make vows for life. For some people, this 6 year period may be extended up to 9 years.
If you would like more information about becoming a Daughter of Mary and Joseph, please contact:
 Africa:  dmjvocations@gmail.com
Sr. Teresa at: tgroth@dmjca.org  if you live in USA
Sr. Paula at:dmjenglishregion@gmail.com if you live in the uk.

if you live in any other country.

The following links may be helpful if you think you may have a call to religious life;