How you can help...
There are many ways you can help the DMJs.

      There is the need for volunteers in our ministries or visiting elderly members in retirement or nursing homes. There is the need for drivers to take sisters to doctors-- or for a nice ride along the          ocean,  or to a park. There is the need for prayer, for our sisters but also for the many needs of the world which our sisters are concerned about.
    There is also the need for financial support which allows our sisters to continue in their ministries, and to work while receiving only a minimal stipend or no salary at all. When large numbers of     women were choosing to live a vowed religious life, religious communities were burgeoning with members. The sisters worked long and hard but with very little payment for their services and with     no  contribution to Social Security. It wasn't until the 1970s, when many of the sisters were in late middle age, that the federal government permitted religious to join Social Security. As a result,     with the best of their earning potential behind them, many religious had missed out on the opportunity to contribute long-term. The problem has also been compounded by the fact that fewer     women are choosing to enter religious life.
    In California, our ministries have always been centered around education--education of the whole person. In his writings, our founder often reminded us to "...keep constantly in mind that your first     care should be the education of their hearts and that you should direct your greatest efforts to creating virtuous men and women rather than knowledgeable men and women." This has been the     very core of our mission: to nurture and bring forth a generous heart in those with whom we daily interact. We come as we are, touch one another and are enriched and enlarged.
    Your financial support allows the Daughters of Mary and Joseph to continue in their ministries and helps take care of our elderly and retired members. All financial gifts are 100% tax deductible.

Financial contributions may be sent to:
Daughters of Mary and Joseph
Development Office
5300 Crest Road
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-5004    
Phone:  (310) 377-9968